Embracing Maximalism: Having varied interests in a world where specialization is rewarded

“Jack of all trades, master of none” has killed the talents of millions of people!

Harleen Bhatia
4 min readOct 17, 2023

I am sure you have all heard this proverb and I am also sure many of you have heard the full proverb by now:

A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.

In the world of specialists, most of the time people with varied interests are frowned upon. When we were kids, we were interested in so many different things then we became teenagers and the world started to pound on us to choose one field, to find that one thing we were interested in, to create a career, to be a specialist. At the ripe age of 16, we were told to choose something that would dictate our whole lives and leave all of our interests behind if it didn’t earn us money.

But if you look at the lives of so many geniuses around the world, you would see something common in them. They all had a range of different interests. They all were curious for the sake of it, not because they were supposed to be.

Take Leonardo Di Vinci for example, he was a scientist, yes, but he was also an artist. He was also a mathematician. He was an engineer. He was also interested in anatomy, music, botany, and many more. He was a true polymath. He was known for his extraordinary range of interests and talents. This is what made him a genius. His insatiable curiosity and wide-ranging intellect made him what he was.

Image by Freepik

As a creative person, I am never interested in just one thing but I was taught to be a specialist. But people like Leonardo Di Vinci inspired me to actually embrace my various interests. I am a photographer, writer, marketer, designer, stylist, artist, and chef. I am also interested in Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Politics and Art. Yes, I am at different stages of expertise in all these fields. However, knowledge of so many different topics has helped me be who I am today. I am a unique marketer because of all these different things I am interested in. Similarly, you are a unique person because of your various interests and their unique combinations.

Did you know that Bill Gates read a lot? I am sure you do. No, he doesn’t read only about the computers. He reads a wide range of topics and genres including science, world health, technology, and biographies. This is what makes him a genius. He knows the importance of learning new things and having varied interests.

If you look at all the geniuses in the world, living or dead, you’ll seldom find a person specializing in just one field. These people will be smart, and intelligent but have various interests. Maybe they would be a scientist, but also an expert gardener. They would do gardening in their own scientific way.

Photo by Daniele Franchi on Unsplash

The biggest advantage of learning new things and embracing your unique interests is that it will also help you in unrelated fields. Take me as an example, learning psychology has helped me create better marketing campaigns. I am studying consumer behavior right now to understand the psyche behind customers. Similarly, practicing digital art has helped me be a better photographer. yes, all these are still somewhat related. But being a designer has also helped me cook more efficiently and they are not connected.

What you learn today will help you be a better person tomorrow. The goal is to learn and to embrace knowledge. You never know what helps you down the line. Maybe one day you will need to impress your father-in-law with the knowledge of the stock market.

Being a polymath won’t just make you a living encyclopedia but a creative at heart. It will improve your problem-solving skills. You’ll be able to learn and adapt easily. And of course, Cross-Pollination of Ideas: transferring ideas from one field to another, enriching both fields and mind. This can lead to groundbreaking discoveries.

Also, these Jack-of-All-Trades people are not afraid to reinvent themselves and explore new interests over time. You never know what you end up loving next.

You need to remember the time you were interested in millions of things. Get back to those roots. Relearn those things. Connect the dots between your various hobbies or careers.

Be the Jack-of-All-Trades!



Harleen Bhatia
Harleen Bhatia

Written by Harleen Bhatia

I am a Marketer, Designer, Writer, Chef, Stylist, Reader, and Learner. Exploring my various interests as I find myself and write about them too. Here we go..

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